Friday, April 24, 2009

Mrs. Andes 3rd Grade Class

Today I went to McKenna's (my daughter in 3rd grade) class so they could help us fold cranes for Bridger. Mrs. Andes had already read them Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes earlier in the week, so I didn't read it again. The kids were told ahead of time about Bridger and why we were folding the cranes for him. They asked a few questions; mostly things like how long he had been in the hospital, what was wrong with his heart, how old he was...basic things like that. Then we got to the folding. That was quite the experience! I knew going into this that it might be difficult for a bunch of 9 year olds to figure out. Some did surprisingly well, others really struggled. I was there for about an hour and each of the kids only made one. But, we have 30 more than we did before!

Thank you to all of Mrs. Andes' students for your help!

I would love to be able to post more stories and pictures, other than my own. Please send them my way,, and I will get them on the blog. Thanks!

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