Sunday, April 26, 2009

From the Eskelson Family

Ever wonder what 200 cranes looks like? Here you go!!

Thank you so much to Yvonne Eskelson, her daughter Jessi and her daughter-in-law Christa for making so many beautiful cranes to add to Bridger's growing collection. They are appreciated greatly!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

New Photos!

Abby King and Kayla Smith (Bridger's cousins)

Todd Smith (Bridger's Papa)

Abby King and Cristy Smith (Bridger's Nana)

Abby, Kayla and Nana

The end result...well some of it! : )

Thank you Nana and Papa for sending the pictures!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Mrs. Andes 3rd Grade Class

Today I went to McKenna's (my daughter in 3rd grade) class so they could help us fold cranes for Bridger. Mrs. Andes had already read them Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes earlier in the week, so I didn't read it again. The kids were told ahead of time about Bridger and why we were folding the cranes for him. They asked a few questions; mostly things like how long he had been in the hospital, what was wrong with his heart, how old he was...basic things like that. Then we got to the folding. That was quite the experience! I knew going into this that it might be difficult for a bunch of 9 year olds to figure out. Some did surprisingly well, others really struggled. I was there for about an hour and each of the kids only made one. But, we have 30 more than we did before!

Thank you to all of Mrs. Andes' students for your help!

I would love to be able to post more stories and pictures, other than my own. Please send them my way,, and I will get them on the blog. Thanks!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Where do we stand?

Tough little Bridger is working hard to fight off another infection. Poor little guy just can't catch a break! So, since it looks like Bridger will be spending a little more time at his home away from home, it would be great if we could get his cranes up to him pretty quickly.

I would like to get a rough estimate of how many cranes have been made so far. If you have made any, even just one or two, please respond to this post so we can get a current count. I am more than happy to stop by any one's house/work this weekend to pick them up. If you would like me to do that, please let me know that in your response as well. Also, don't forget to email me any pictures you have taken. We would love to see them!

Thanks to everyone for continuing to support Danny, Staci and Bridger. It means more than you will ever know!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thank you Eagle Mountain 6th Ward Young Women!

Last night, when the Young Women had their meeting, they spent the entire hour and a half folding cranes for Bridger. None of these girls even know Bridger, but they were all very excited about the idea of helping to get his wish. The result...150 cranes! Many of the girls even talked about how they would like to make more at home. Very sweet.

A special thank you to Alisa Lyman, for helping us teach everyone how to fold the cranes, and thank you to all the leaders for changing your planned activity to allow the girls to make the cranes.

Thank you so much to the young women of the Eagle Mountain 6th Ward for spending your time folding cranes for someone you don't even know. What a great service project!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes

There is a story about a little girl named Sadako. She was 2 and living in Japan when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. When she was 12 she developed Leukemia. A friend of hers took a paper crane to the hospital for her, telling her the Japanese legend behind the crane. Her story has inspired thousands and has spread the legend throughout the world.

There are many different books written about Sadako, if you have any interest in reading them. There is a picture book titled Sadako written by Eleanor Coerr, and also a young reader book by the same author titled Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. There are also others more for adults.

I am going to my 3rd grader's class and reading them the story of Sadako. Then the entire class is going to help fold paper cranes for Bridger. I mention this simply because I am hoping to inspire others to get large groups involved as well. The more we can get made quickly, the better. Please ask everyone you know to help out. School classes, church groups, social groups...everyone. And, don't forget to take pictures and send them along to me so I can post them!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Welcome to Paper Cranes for Bridger

There is an old Japanese legend that states that anyone who has a thousand paper cranes will be granted a wish. We are going to make a thousand paper cranes to be hung in Bridger's hospital room so that Danny and Staci will get their wish for Bridger.

This blog is an extension of Bridger's Bulletin. We wanted a second blog so that we can post various pictures of all the people that contribute to Bridger's thousand cranes, without taking away from the importance of Bridger's Bulletin. We are asking anyone and everyone who wants to make a crane (or many cranes) to please do so. We are using 6 x 6 origami paper, simply because it is easier to fold than the 3 x 3 size. It can be any color, any pattern, foil, etc...The only thing that is "required" is that you please put your name and the date on the crane. If you make cranes, please take pictures and send them to me ( and I will post them on the blog. We would love to have pictures of people in the process of making cranes, finished cranes, groups making cranes...whatever you would like to take pictures of. Once you have finished your cranes, you can give them to me, or someone else in the family that you know, and we will make sure they get to Bridger.

If you need help making an origami crane, there are plenty of sites online with directions. One I used was It can be a bit confusing if you have never done it before. I found it much easier to do after watching this video posted on Youtube, If you need more help after that, feel free to contact me and I will get with you and show you how.

Thank you for helping get us closer to making our wish for Bridger come true.